Welcome to the Zahara Marketing blog!!

Zahara Mossman™ is a Social Media Powered Entrepreneurial Woman and 15 year eMarketing veteran on a mission to connect and create Company and Interpersonal Synergies. Providing Digital Marketing Consulting & Ultra Luxury Real Estate services globally we are highly advanced, niched Global Action Strategists. Zahara Mossman is also on the Board of Directors City of Miami Beach, Florida, United States Government, Appointed by Commissioner Jerry Libbin, President of the Chamber of Commerce. Winning Political eCampaign Director for Michael Gongora- Miami Beach Commissioner Elections '09 & eCampaign Director & eMarketing for Presidential Candidate, elections for Costa Rica 2010. Zahara Marketing, Inc. is a proud Pillar Member of the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce. You can follow me on https://facebook.com/ZaharaMarketing

Thursday, February 25, 2010

ReCyber Convention "Social Network Your Way to Success!"

ReCyber Convention "Social Network Your Way to Success!"

Listen to Zahara Mossman explain how to use Social Media to market your way to success!! Featured all day today Feb 25th at the Real Estate CyberSpace annual convention. Will repeat Friday and Saturday!

Zahara Mossman on Facebook

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Zahara Mossman appointed to the Board of Directors of the City of Miami Beach

The letter reads:
"Congratulations! You have been appointed by Commissioner Jerry Libbin to the Board of the Miami Beach Commission For Women, for a term ending 12/31/2011."

What I swore to today reads:
"I do solemnly swear or affirm to bear true faith, Loyalty and allegiance to the Government of the United States, the State of Florida and the City of Miami Beach and to perform all the duties of a member of the above mentioned board of the City of Miami Beach to which I have been appointed..."

I'm honored and very flattered, thank you Commissioner Libbin I look forward to serving my city with you.
Location: Miami Beach City Hall

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